satoshi suzuki
Born in Japan and now based in NYC Satoshi Suzuki has spent years traveling the world and working in the industry which has led to an immense amount of knowledge and inspiration. He honed in his skill during the pandemic after stumbling across vintage embroidered chambray pieces that reminded him of his past. Unable to find comparable options on the market he started embroidering his own. With patience, care, and persistence he has been able to create pieces of wearable art showcasing his Japanese heritage and playful take on everyday life.
Satoshi currently consults and buys for some of the most influential showrooms and companies in fashion. Since 2021 his collaborations and exposure have grown, executing special releases with KITH, Nepethenes New York, Battenwear and more. In his free time he is always sketching and working on custom pieces for his devoted following. Otakara NYC means "Treasure NYC" and like the brand name, each piece is as rare and unique as they come. Don't miss our exclusive 4 Year Anniversary pieces that are beyond special to our team. It has been an honor to work with Satoshi year after year, but this time we rounded up a few questions and brought our friend to Richmond so we could learn a little bit more. Read below.
We have obviously collaborated a number of times throughout the years, what's your favorite part of the process?
I love collaborating with you guys. It is so challenging to design [and] make new motifs for your clients because I want a new image and design every time. Some of the motifs are exclusive, so creating something special is my favorite part of the process.
I have always liked fashion, art and street culture. I wanted to become an artist or work in fashion.